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G Active Wear - custom made for you tights

Our Loyalty Program rewards you for shopping with us!

For every dollar spent, you'll receive 5 points. These points can be exchanged for discounts on future purchases, exclusive offers, and more. Sign up for our Loyalty Program to start earning points and reap the rewards of shopping with us.

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Loyalty Program

Earn points and turn them into rewards

  1. 01

    Sign Up

    • Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program

  2. 02

    Earn Points

    • Purchase a product

      Get 5 points for every $1 spent

    • Sign up as a member

      Get 500 points

  3. 03

    Redeem Rewards


      1,000 Points = $10 off the lowest priced item in cart


      500 Points = $5 off the lowest priced item in cart


      2,000 Points = $20 off the lowest priced item in cart

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